This page is meant to answer some of your most pressing questions. Got a question I didn’t answer? Let me know with the contact info at the bottom of the page.

Q. Who’s running this clown show, anyway?
A. That would be me! Hi, I’m “The Pen Is Mightier,” or just “Pen” for short. I’m a published author who really loves erotic fiction, especially mind control-themed stories. In 2022, I started releasing erotic fiction stories, and I was immediately hooked. In March 2025 I set up this website, so that anyone who wants to follow my work can do so directly.

Q. What does this site contain?
A. Stories. Lots and lots of stories. Over the past several years, I’ve released more than 80 stories in over 40 distinct series. They’re all hosted here for my subscribers. In addition to that, I post weekly updates that share what I’m up to. If you join the site, you’ll be able to access all of this, immediately!

Q. Is billing discreet?
A. Yes! The site URL is not referenced on your bank statement. Instead, you’ll likely see something like the second line in this graphic:

It may vary slightly from that, but rest assured that someone snooping around in your purchase history will not see “storiesbypen.com” or any dead giveaway that you’re here, enjoying my awesome work.

Q. How often do you write new stories and updates?
A. I will almost always publish one new story every week, usually on Mondays. Sometimes I’ll throw in a bonus story here and there, too. I’ll also release at least one new update per week, usually on Thursdays, but sometimes on other days, too. There’s always something new!

Q. Will you update me when new stories and updates come out?
A. I sure can! When you become a subscriber, you’ll see a box like the one below when you sign up. Depending on which box(es) you check, you can get updates on stories, posts, or both, sent out once a week. If you want to change these settings, you can log in to your member page and change them there by clicking the “edit profile” link.

Q. I LOVE {some story title}! Will you write more of it?
A. Maybe! I have a LOT of stories that I’d like to dive back into. It really depends on my schedule, the current stories I’m working on, and if my ADHD will let me focus on that story. I can’t make guarantees, but I will say that if you liked the story, I probably do, too.

Q. I’m broke. Can I read your stories anywhere for free?
A. Yes! I’ve got a few free stories here that you can read right now. Some of my older mind control themed stories are also online at mcstories.com. However, I don’t post all of my stories there, and what I do post doesn’t go live until several months after they’ve been released here. If you want the latest, freshest stories, you’ve got to be a subscriber here. Luckily, my subscription plans are super affordable!

Q. How do I access my membership page?
A. If you’re a member, on a desktop browser you will see your username in the top right corner of the page. If you can’t find it, click here to access the page.

Q. If I join as a subscriber, how do I access the Discord server?
A. In your membership profile page you’ll see a link to edit your profile. Follow that link and you’ll see a green button to connect to the server. My specially-trained magic Discord bot will ensure you have the proper access.

Q. I have this AWESOME idea for a story. Do you take commissions?
A. Sometimes, maybe, kinda. I’ve done private commissions in the past, but unless you’re offering a pretty hefty sum I probably won’t have time to commit to your piece. If you want to share a great idea with me, you definitely can, with the understanding that I can do whatever I please with the idea, including totally reworking it and/or posting it publicly.

Q. I found a glitch, or I have a problem. What can I do?
A. Let me know! I’m here to help. Just send me an email and I’ll do my best to give you a hand.

Q. How do I contact you?
A. I’m still working on developing psychic abilities, so for the time being just send me an email at pen@storiesbypen.com and I’ll do what I can to answer your questions or help you out.